Bristol Parks, Recreation, Youth and Community Services
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Men's 18+ Weeknight Softball League Register View Cart

Program Description:
Bristol Parks, Recreation, Youth, and Community Services will once again be running a 
Men's Softball League for individuals 18 and older this spring. The season will run from the week of April 14th through the week of June 23 (10 weeks of regular season, plus a week of playoffs). Each team is guaranteed 20 games and the top 8 teams (out of 10) make the double-elimination playoffs.

Games will take place Monday-Thursday evenings at Mix Street and/or Casey Field in Bristol and each team will have one doubleheader every week. Games will typically start at 7 and 8pm. Some games may be played at 6 and 7pm or 8 and 9pm depending on the scheduling of make-up games. The league will do its best to accommodate scheduling requests.

A Division/Competitive Division
B Division/Rec Division
*teams must select a division when registering

Note: The fee is $750 per team, with a $200 deposit due at the time of registration. Teams can submit the payment in full when they register or they can choose to pay the $200 deposit to reserve their spot in the league, but the team must submit the other $550 payment before their first game.

If you have any questions, please contact League Director Shawn Mirmina at 
Visit for more info.

Individual Players:
BPRYCS is currently only taking full-team registrations. If you are an individual looking to join, or have a group of players but not enough for a full team, please reach out to League Director Shawn Mirmina at

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2025 Men's 18+ Spring Softball League 
18y and up N/A MTuWThF  04/14/2025 - 06/27/2025
06:00 PM - 11:00 PM

View Locations
$750.00 Res, $750.00 Non-Res
Full balance and waivers due at the first game.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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