Bristol Parks, Recreation, Youth and Community Services
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American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Training Register View Cart

Are you passionate about swimming and interested in becoming a certified American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor?

The course will cover the following areas:
~ Develop and understand the core principles for swimming and water safety instruction
~ Gain knowledge and the ability to utilize resources and course materials
~ Obtain working knowledge of American Red Cross Learn to Swim curriculum and skill requirements
~ Develop confidence and ability to deliver quality swim instruction to children and adults in a diverse community

Methods of instruction will include:
~ Lecture
~ Video Segments
~ In-Water skill demo and active participation
~ Teach backs
~ Peer critique and feedback
~ Shadow and mentor from certified WSI
~ Co-Teach and assist certified WSI

Please note: Registration closes at least one week before the classes' scheduled start date 

You must be 16 years old by the time the course is complete.
Pre-testing requires you to successfully be able to demo a lap of: front crawl, breaststroke, side stroke, elementary backstroke, backstroke, butterfly and tread water for 1 minute maintain position on back for 1 minute (floating or sculling).

To pass the course you need to attend and participate in all classes, score an 80% or better on the final written exam and to successfully demonstrate your ability to instruct swimming lessons in a fun and safe manner.

ALL classes are MANDATORY, there are no exceptions! 

* Please come prepared for class with multiple towels, snacks, water, and dry clothes. The course will require pool time and classroom time intermittently. We will take breaks for lunch and dinner, please come prepared. Proof of age is required on the first day of the course and must be presented to the instructor prior to being admitted into the class.
Any Questions please contact Aquatics Coordinator, Raelynne at


Additional Forms and Files:
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Blended Learning Training 
16y - 99y N/A SuThFSa  12/05/2024 - 12/08/2024
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Dennis N Malone Aquatics Center
$210.00 Res, $235.00 Non-Res
Registration ends Friday November 22, 2024
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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